
Winter Wonder

 His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe....

--James Joyce


Blue Monday Squared

Blue Monday how I hate Blue Monday

Got to work like a slave all day....

--Antoine, Dave



Return to Sender

 Who ordered this! It's going to kill the palm trees, banana plantation and bougainvillea on our balcony!


Critic Cat

 Cats criticize everything, including early-stage sketches. The sketch on the bottom is based on work by one of my favourite artists, Anita Jeram. You can see her work here Anita Jeram    I highly recommend a visit; she's extremely talented.


Festive Fish

 Deck the halls with stinky fish, fa la la la la la la la la la la la la and some more la's!


The Fine Art of Recycling

 You never know what you're going to get when you cast your fate to the waves.


First Encounter Times 13

 From the "Great Big Alien Book of First Encounters and Things to do at Parties," by Zziggeroots Bundabilzi Voomit the Third.

1: First impressions are important. Always make a grand entrance that will inspire awe in primitive species."


Elephant Raptors

If you go down to the woods today

You'd better go in disguise

For every elephant that ever there was

will gather there for certain....




Autumn Leaves in November

They say that all good things must end some day

and autumn leaves must fall....

--Noble, Stuart, Metcalfe

 A Summer Song